d1. Wireframing
a low fidelity representation of your design(low fidelity = low resolution)
What is a wireframe?
웹사이트 와이어 프레임 (Website wireframe)
페이지 회로도 또는 화면 청사진이라고도하는 웹 사이트 와이어 프레임은 웹 사이트의 골격 프레임 워크를 나타내는 시각적 가이드입니다. 와이어 프레임은 특정 목적을 가장 잘 달성하도록 요소를 배열하기 위해 만들어졌습니다.
2. Mock-up
a high fidelty representation of your web
By looking at other's web sites.
1.Simple sketch
2.mock up
dribbble - search by color
Frontier Development Lab - Awwwards SOTD
This cinematic microsite celebrates the breakthroughs of NASA’s Frontier Development Lab and the AI technologies that have made them possible with help...
Create an account to upload screenshots of great design. We believe that the activity of keeping and collecting screenshots of great design makes you a great designer yourself. A good way to start a design process is to get inspired by what others have don
Dribbble - Discover the World’s Top Designers & Creative Professionals
Discover the world’s top designers & creatives Dribbble is the leading destination to find & showcase creative work and home to the world's best design professionals. Sign up
Balsamiq Cloud
Fast, Approachable, Collaborative Wireframing
1. wireframe
balsamiq - collaborative tool
Make Navigation Bar
Expand navbar side by side (collapsing) & Navbar-Brand
: expand to horizontally and "lg" means large
tindog brand is achieved from 'navbar-brand', an anchor works best.
<nav class='navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark'>
<a class='navbar-brand' href=''>tindog</a>
<ul class='navbar-nav'>
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<a class='nav-link' href=''>Contact</a>
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<a class='nav-link' href=''>Pricing</a>
<li class='navbar-item'>
<a class='nav-link' href=''>Download</a>
Bootstrap has margin class that is called as margin-left, "ml".
Thus, applying "ml-auto" to "ul" element to spacing from brand element.
<ul class='navbar-nav ml-auto'>
Make dropdown menu as narrowing site's size (hamburger menu)
a div that contains everything that is collapsable and put it inside that div.
<nav class='navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark'>
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarTogglerDemo02" aria-controls="navbarTogglerDemo02" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class='collapse navbar-collapse' id="navbarTogglerDemo02">
<a class='navbar-brand' href=''>tindog</a>
<ul class='navbar-nav ml-auto'>
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<a class='nav-link' href=''>Contact</a>
<li class='navbar-item'>
<a class='nav-link' href=''>Pricing</a>
<li class='navbar-item'>
<a class='nav-link' href=''>Download</a>
Keep brand with button
See the location of anchor tag
<nav class='navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark'>
<a class='navbar-brand' href=''>tindog</a>
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarTogglerDemo02" aria-controls="navbarTogglerDemo02" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class='collapse navbar-collapse' id="navbarTogglerDemo02">
<ul class='navbar-nav ml-auto'>
<li class='navbar-item'>
<a class='nav-link' href=''>Contact</a>
<li class='navbar-item'>
<a class='nav-link' href=''>Pricing</a>
<li class='navbar-item'>
<a class='nav-link' href=''>Download</a>
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